
Alt Codes

Λίστες για alt-code σύμβολα


Πατήστε και κρατήστε πατημένο το πλήκτρο ALT και πληκτρολογήστε τον αριθμό του επιθυμητού συμβόλου.

Alt Codes for Punctuation

Interrogetary and Exclamatory
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 33 ! Exclamation Mark
Alt 19 Double Exclamation
Alt 173 ¡ Inverted exclamation mark
Alt 63 ? Question Mark
Alt 168 ¿ inverted question mark
Alt Codes for Parenthesis
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 40 ( Open Bracket
Alt 41 ) Close Bracked
Alt 91 [ Open Square Bracket
Alt 93 ] Close Square Bracket
Alt 123 { Open curley bracket
Alt 125 } Close curley bracket
Alt Codes for Editing
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 28 Tab Marker
Alt 21 § Paragraph
Alt 20 Carriage Return
Alt 0134 dagger / obelos
Alt 0135 double dagger / diesis
Reported Speech / Quotation
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 34 « Quotation Mark
Alt 0139 quotation mark
Alt 0155 quotation mark
Alt 0145 curly single open quote
Alt 0146 curly single close quote
Alt 0147 curly double open quote
Alt 0148 curly double close quote
Alt 174 « Quotation Mark
Alt 175 » Quotation Mark
Alt 0130 curly single quote
Alt 0132 low curly doublequote
Alt Codes for Abbreviation
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 39 Apostraphe
Alt 96 ` Angled Apostraphe
Alt 38 & Ampersand
Alt 64 @ At Symbol
Alt Codes for General Punctuation
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 58 : Colon
Alt 59 ; Semi-Colon
Alt 44 , Comma
Alt 46 . Full Stop / Period
Alt 32 Space
Alt 255 Alternative Space
Alt 0133 dot dot dot / ellipsis
Alt 95 _ Underscore
Alt 0175 ¯ overscore
Alt 124 | Bar
Alt 126 ~ Tilda/Squiggle
Alt 0168 ¨ diaresis
Alt 45 Dash or Hyphen
Alt 0151 Longer Dash or Hyphen
Alt 22 Long Hyphon
Alt 42 * Asterisk
Alt 47 / Slash
Alt 92 \ Back Slash
1º and 1ª mean 1st in some languages
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 166 ª a superscript
Alt 167 º o superscript
Archaic Punctuation Alt Codes
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 0183 · interpunct

Alt Codes for Bullets, Symbols and Other Special Characters

Special Characters
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 1 White Smiley
Alt 2 Black Smiley
Alt 3 Heart
Alt 4 Diamond
Alt 5 Club
Alt 6 Spade
Alt 7 Bullet 1
Alt 8 Bullet 2
Alt 9 Bullet 3
Alt 10 Bullet 4
Alt 11 Male Sign
Alt 12 Female Sign
Alt 13 Quaver
Alt 14 Joined Quavers
Alt 16 Play Forward
Alt 17 Play Reverse
Alt 254 Stop
Alt 30
Alt 31
Alt 23
Alt 24 Up Arrow
Alt 25 Down Arrow
Alt 26 Right Arrow
Alt 27 Left Arrow
Alt 0129 Undefined – Normally generates a box
Alt 15 Suggest definition
127 Suggest definition
Alt 18 Suggest definition
Alt 29 Suggest definition

Alt Codes for Maths / Mathematics

Mathematical Symbols
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 48 – 57 0 – 9 zero to nine
Alt Codes for Basic Operators
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 43 + Plus Sign
Alt 45 Minus Sign
Alt 0215 × Multiplication Sign
Alt 0247 ÷ Obelus / Division ign
Alt Codes for Pers
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 37 % Percentage Sign
Alt 0137 Per mille (per thousand)
Alt Codes for Bracketing
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 40 ( Open Bracket
Alt 41 ) Close Bracked
Alt Codes for Degree of Accuracy
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 241 ± Plus or Minus
Alt Codes for Fractions
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 47 / Fraction seperator
Alt 0188 ¼ Quarter
Alt 0189 ½ Half
Alt 0190 ¾ Three quarters
Alt 46 . Decimal Point
Alt Codes for Equality
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 240 Exactly Identical
Alt 61 = Equals
Alt 247 Approximately equal
Alt Codes for Inequality
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 60 < Less Than
Alt 62 > Greater Than
Alt 242 Greater than or equal
Alt 243 Less than or equal
Alt Codes for Powers
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 251 Square Root
Alt 252 Power n
Alt 0185 ¹ To the power of 1
Alt 0178 ² squared
Alt 0179 ³ cubed
Angles and Trigonometric Alt Codes
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 227 π Pi
Alt 248 ° Degree sign
General Mathematical Symbols
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 35 # Number
Alt 236 Infinity
Alt 230 µ Micro
Alt 228 Σ Sum
Alt 239 Suggest definition
Integration / Integral Sign
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 244 Top half
Alt 245 Bottom Half

ALT Codes for Arrow Symbols

Arrow Symbols
Alt Code Symbol
Filled Arrows
Alt 16
Alt 17
Alt 254
Alt 30
Alt 31
Line Arrows
Alt 23
Alt 24
Alt 25
Alt 26
Alt 27

ALT Codes for Foreign Language Letters with Accents

Foreign Language Letters with Accents
Alt Codes Symbol Description Alt Codes Symbol Description
Alt 0192 À A grave Alt 0224 à a grave
Alt 0193 Á A acute Alt 0225 á a acute
Alt 0194 Â A circumflex Alt 0226 â a circumflex
Alt 0195 Ã A tilde Alt 0227 ã a tilde
Alt 0196 Ä A umlaut Alt 0228 ä a umlaut
Alt 0199 Ç C cedilla Alt 0231 ç c cedilla
Alt 0200 È E grave Alt 0232 è e grave
Alt 0201 É E acute Alt 0233 é e acute
Alt 0202 Ê E circumflex Alt 0234 ê e circumflex
Alt 0203 Ë E umlaut Alt 0235 ë e umlaut
Alt 0204 Ì I grave Alt 0236 ì i grave
Alt 0205 Í I acute Alt 0237 í i acute
Alt 0206 Î I circumflex Alt 0238 î i circumflex
Alt 0207 Ï I umlaut Alt 0239 ï i umlaut
Alt 165 Ñ N tilde Alt 164 ñ n tilde
Alt 0210 Ò O grave Alt 0242 ò o grave
Alt 0211 Ó O acute Alt 0243 ó o acute
Alt 0212 Ô O circumflex Alt 0244 ô o circumflex
Alt 0213 Õ O tilde Alt 0245 õ o tilde
Alt 0214 Ö O umlaut Alt 0246 ö o umlaut
Alt 0138 Š S caron Alt 0154 š s caron
Alt 0218 Ú U acute Alt 0249 ù u grave
Alt 0219 Û U circumflex Alt 0250 ú u acute
Alt 0220 Ü U umlaut Alt 0251 û u circumflex
Alt 0217 Ù U grave Alt 0252 ü u umlaut
Alt 0221 Ý Y acute Alt 0253 ý y acute
Alt 0159 Ÿ Y umlaut Alt 0255 ÿ y umlaut
Alt 0142 Ž Z caron Alt 0158 ž z caron

Alt Codes for «extra» letters

«Extra» Letters
Alt Code Symbol Description Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 0229 å Aa Alt 0197 Å aa
Alt 0140 Œ Oethel Alt 0156 œ oethel
Alt 0254 þ Thorn Alt 0222 Þ thorn
Alt 0216 Ø Slashed O Alt 0248 ø Slashed o
Alt 0198 Æ AE ligature Alt 0230 æ ae ligature
Alt 165 Ñ N tilde Alt 164 ñ n tilde
Alt 0223 ß Eszett
Alt 0208 Ð Eth Alt 0240 ð eth
Copyright, Trademark, Registered Mark
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 0169 © Copyright
Alt 169 ® Registered symbol
Alt 0153 Trademark

ALT Codes for Currency Symbols

ALT Codes for Currency Symbols
Alt Code Symbol Description
Alt 0164 ¤ Currency
Alt 156 £ Pound
Alt 0128 Euro
Alt 36 $ Dollar Sign
Alt 155 ¢ Cent
Alt 157 ¥ Yen
Alt 158 Peseta
Alt 159 ƒ Frank / Gulder

ALT Codes Source and more alt codes

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Άρθρα: 22

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